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Appointments made without competition

Paragraph 3.3 of the Governance Code allows, in exceptional circumstances, for Ministers to appoint a candidate without a competition following a consultation with the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

There is a requirement in the Governance Code for Ministers to make the decision public alongside their reasons for doing so. The Commissioner publishes a list of appointments made without competition, setting out the department, public body, role, length, and rationale. This list is updated at least quarterly, following announcements of exceptional appointments by government. The appointments made without a competition for the previous three financial years are published below. For older lists, please refer to the relevant annual report.


1Department of Business and Trade (DBT)Post OfficeInterim Chair12 monthsContinuity of operations and ongoing inquiry delaying recruitment
2Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)English Severn & Wye RFCCInterim Chair1 monthPlanned recruitment
3Home Office Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and ImmigrationInterim Chief Inspector6 monthsUnplanned vacancy
4DefraJoint Nature Conservation CommitteeInterim Chair6 monthsUnplanned vacancy
5Department for Education (DfE)Social Work EnglandInterim Chair6 monthsContinuity of operations and the General Election delaying recruitment
6Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ)Climate Change CommitteeInterim Chair6 monthsComplying with statutory requirements and the General Election delaying recruitment
7Ministry of Defence (MoD)Northern Ireland VAPCInterim Chair5 monthsContinuity of operations and the General Election delaying recruitment
8DfEDfE Departmental BoardNon-executive Board Member (NEBM)3 yearsExpertise and need for a departmental board post-election
9DfEOffice for Students (OfS)Interim Chair10 monthsUnplanned vacancy
10Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)DHSC Departmental BoardNEBM3 yearsExpertise and need for a departmental board post-election
11DHSCNHS Pay Review BodyInterim Chair12 monthsThe General Election impacting planned recruitment campaign
12Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT)UK Research and InnovationInterim Executive Chair6 monthsThe General Election impacting planned recruitment campaign
13Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)Building Digital UK (BDUK)Interim Chair6 monthsUnplanned vacancy
14DCMSHorserace Betting Levy BoardInterim Chair9 monthsUnplanned vacancy
15Welsh GovernmentPowys Teaching Health BoardIndependent Member4 monthsPlanned recruitment
16DSITDSIT Departmental BoardNEBMs9 monthsExpertise and need for a departmental board post-election
17DESNZClimate Change CommitteeMembers3 yearsExpertise and operational efficacy
18Welsh GovernmentRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of WalesActing Chair1 yearContinuity of operations
19Ministry of Justice (MoJ)Youth Justice BoardBoard Member (with experience and knowledge of Wales)12 monthsPlanned recruitment, need for expertise, and compliance with legislation
20Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local GovernmentMHCLG Departmental BoardLead NED1 yearExpertise and need for a departmental board post-election
21MoJVictims’ CommissionerVictims’ Commissioner14 monthsThe General Election interrupting planned recruitment
22Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)Pensions OmbudsmanDeputy Ombudsman3 monthsPlanned recruitment
23MoJJudicial Pension BoardInterim Chair8 monthsUnplanned vacancy
24DefraMarine Management OrganisationInterim Chair9 monthsThe General Election delaying planned recruitment and compliance with legislation
25Attorney-General’s Office (AGO)HM Crown Prosecution Service InspectorateInterim Chief Inspector6 monthsPlanned recruitment
26Home OfficeMigration Advisory CommitteeDeputy Chair12 monthsPlanned recruitment pending review of MAC framework document
27DefraJoint Nature Conservation CommitteeInterim Chair8 Months The General Election interrupting planned recruitment and compliance with legislation
28Home OfficeIndependent Chief Inspector of Borders and ImmigrationInterim Chief Inspector4 monthsPlanned recruitment
29DBTDBT Departmental BoardNEBM3 yearsExpertise


1Attorney-General’s OfficeHM Crown Prosecution Service InspectorateChief Inspector9 monthsUnplanned vacancy
2Cabinet OfficeSenior Salaries Review BodyChair and 2 members5 months, 6 months and 12 monthsPlanned recruitment and to ensure continuity
3DCMSHistoric Royal PalacesChair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
4DCMSBritish Broadcasting CorporationChair12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
5DCMSBig Lottery Fund (The National Lottery Community Fund)Chair12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
6DCMSGeffrye MuseumChair6 monthsUnplanned vacancy
7DCMSSianel Pedwar Cymru (S4C)Chair12 monthsPlanned recruitment
8DCMSVictoria and Albert MuseumChair12 monthsPlanned recruitment
9DefraJoint Nature Conservation CommitteeChair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
10DefraRegional Flood and Coastal CommitteesChair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
11DefraJoint Nature Conservation CommitteeChair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
12DefraCovent Garden Market AuthorityChair4 monthsPlanned recruitment
13DefraJoint Nature Conservation CommitteeChair3 monthsUnplanned vacancy
14DESNZNuclear Decommissioning AuthorityChair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
15DESNZClimate Change CommitteeChair9 monthsPlanned recruitment
16DESNZUK Atomic Energy AuthorityChair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
17DESNZClimate Change CommitteeChair9 monthsPlanned recruitment
18DfEOffice of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)Chief Regulator12 monthsPlanned recruitment
19DfEOfqualChair12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
20DfESocial Work EnglandChair3 monthsPlanned recruitment
21DfTNational Highways LimitedChair3 monthsPlanned recruitment
22DHSCFood Standards AgencyDeputy chair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
23DHSCNHS EnglandMember8 monthsTo ensure continuity
24DHSCNHS Pay Review BodyChair7 monthsPlanned recruitment
25DSITNatural Environment Research CouncilExecutive Chair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
26DSITEngineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilExecutive Chair6 monthsPlanned recruitment
27DSITMedical Research CouncilExecutive Chair3 monthsPlanned recruitment
28DWPPensions OmbudsmanDeputy Ombudsman18 monthsTo ensure continuity
29DWPPensions OmbudsmanDeputy Ombudsman9 monthsTo ensure continuity
30DWPOffice for Nuclear RegulationChair18 monthsUnplanned vacancy
31DWPDepartmental Board of the Department for Work and PensionsLead NED18 monthsPlanned recruitment
32Home OfficeBiometrics and Surveillance Camera CommissionerCommissioner7 monthsBody being disestablished
33MoDVeterans Advisory and Pensions CommitteesChair5 monthsUnplanned vacancy
34MoDDefence Nuclear Safety Expert CommitteeChair12 monthsTo ensure continuity
35MoDVeterans Advisory and Pensions CommitteesChair5 monthsUnplanned vacancy
36MoDVeterans Advisory and Pensions CommitteesChair3 monthsPlanned recruitment
37MoJSentencing Council for England and WalesMember6 monthsUnplanned vacancy
38MoJParole BoardSix members2 for 2 years, 2 for 3 years, 2 for 4 yearsTo ensure continuity
39MoJHM Chief Inspector of ProbationChief Inspector5 monthsUnplanned vacancy
40MoJCommissioner for Victims and Witnesses (Victims’ Commissioner)Victims’ Commissioner12 monthsPlanned recruitment
41MoJIndependent Monitoring AuthorityChair9 monthsUnplanned vacancy
42MoJSentencing Council for England and WalesMember5 yearsTo ensure continuity
43Welsh GovernmentWelsh Ambulance Services National Health Service TrustVice chair12 monthsPlanned recruitment
44Welsh GovernmentHywel Dda University Health BoardChair4 monthsPlanned recruitment
45Welsh GovernmentWelsh Ambulance Services National Health Service TrustVice chair9 monthsPlanned recruitment
46Welsh GovernmentPowys Teaching Health BoardMember7 monthsUnplanned vacancy
47Welsh GovernmentRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of WalesChair12 monthsPlanned recruitment


1Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Post Office Chair2 monthsPlanned recruitment
2Cabinet OfficeSenior Salaries Review BoardChair12 monthsPlanned recruitment
3Cabinet OfficeSenior Salaries Review BoardMember10 monthsPlanned recruitment
4Cabinet OfficeCivil Services Pensions BoardChair3 monthsPlanned recruitment
5DCMSMuseum of the HomeChair2 months
Planned recruitment
6DCMSMuseum of the HomeChair6 weeksPlanned recruitment
7DCMS Historic Royal PalacesChair12 monthsPlanned recruitment
8DCMSBritish Tourist AuthorityChair3 monthsPlanned recruitment
9DCMSVisit England Advisory BoardChair9 monthsPlanned recruitment
10DCMSGambling CommissionChair9 monthsUnplanned vacancy
11DefraCovent Garden Market
Chair12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
12DfESocial Work EnglandChair12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
13Department for TransportWest Mids Traffic
Office Holder12 months
Unplanned vacancy
14DHSCNHS ResolutionChair12 months
Unplanned vacancy
15DHSCNHS ResolutionChair3 months
Unplanned vacancy
16DHSCNHS EnglandMember16 monthsNew public body
17DHSCNHS EnglandMember8 monthsNew Public Body
18DHSCHealth Education EnglandMember12 monthsBody being disestablished
19NHS Improvement EnglandCroydon NHS TrustMember12 monthsSpecific expertise
20NHS Improvement EnglandNotts University NHS TrustChair12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
21NHS Improvement EnglandWest London NHS TrustMember2 yearsUnplanned vacancy
22Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)Regulator of Social HousingMember12 monthsTo ensure continuity
23DLUHCBuilding Regs Advisory CtteeMember19 monthsBody being disestablished
24DLUHCValuation Tribunal ServiceMember12 monthsPlanned recruitment
25DWPPensions OmbudsmanOffice Holder12 monthsTo ensure continuity
26DWPOffice for Nuclear RegulationMember12 months Planned recruitment
27HM TreasuryFinancial Conduct AuthorityChair2 monthsPlanned recruitment
28Home OfficeTechnical Advisory BoardMember12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
29MoDIndependent Monitoring Board for the Military Corrective Training Centre2 members12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
30MoDNorth East VAPCChair11 monthsUnplanned vacancy
31MoDScotland VAPCChair9 monthsUnplanned vacancy
32MoDScotland VAPCChair5 monthsUnplanned vacancy
33MoDSouth West VAPCChair9 monthsUnplanned vacancy
34MoDLondon VAPCChair5 monthsUnplanned vacancy
35MoJPrisons and Probation OmbudsmanOffice holder10 monthsPlanned recruitment
36MoJJudicial Pensions BoardChair11 monthsUnplanned vacancy
37UK Export FinanceExport Guarantees Advisory CouncilChair12 monthsUnplanned vacancy
38Welsh GovernmentPublic Health WalesMember9 monthsPlanned recruitment
39Welsh GovernmentIndependent Remuneration Panel for WalesChair and Member2 years; 10 monthsPlanned recruitment
40Welsh Government Natural Resources Wales2 members6 monthsPlanned recruitment
41Welsh GovernmentHigher Education Funding Council WalesChair12 monthsNew public body
42Welsh GovernmentBetsi Cadwaladr Uni Health
Chair and 3 members12 monthsUnplanned vacancy